
Where are Slideshow wallpapers located in Windows 10

Slideshow may please many of you but it may be unpleasant to you or may concern you about battery life of your laptop. 

'Festival of Lights' - New Windows 10 theme available on occasion of Diwali via Microsoft Store.

Happy Diwali friends, Microsoft  has released a new theme for Windows 10 for celebrating Diwali with million of its users and this Diwali theme is called ' Festival of Lights '.

Ubuntu 19.04 Codename revealed and its daily builds are available to download

Some days ago, I posted about the next Ubuntu release i.e. Ubuntu 19.04. I  discussed about its codename prediction and some features.

Windows Spotlight --- use it to keep your mind cool

Window spotlight is a wonderful feature in Windows 10 which delivers amazing Wallpapers to your lock screen.

Ubuntu 19.04 -- Imagine how it would be....

Hi friends, Ubuntu is my favorite Linux   distro. No any other distro can take over it for me.

Introduction to TechDuppy

Hi, This is  Alok Kumar . This is my first blog. In this blog I am going to give my introduction.  I am a tech lover.