Ubuntu 19.04 Codename revealed and its daily builds are available to download

Some days ago, I posted about the next Ubuntu release i.e. Ubuntu 19.04. I discussed about its codename prediction and some features.
The prediction have come true and the Ubuntu codename is starting with D but the tradition of naming Ubuntu has been followed partially. The second word is a animal name as usual but the first word is not an adjective rather it is a noun.

A male Dingo with his pups
The codename of Ubuntu 19.04 is 'Disco Dingo'.  
Dingo is name of an animal, a wild dog with sandy-coloured coat, found in Australia but Disco is a noun which is a genre of music that doesn't follow the tradition. Whatever be the reason for this name, this name also sounds good.

A male Dingo
If you are a developer or die-hard fan of Ubuntu and wanna try Ubuntu daily builds, here is the link : -

What do you think about Disco Dingo, let me know in the comments section.


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