Where are Slideshow wallpapers located in Windows 10

Slideshow may please many of you but it may be unpleasant to you or may concern you about battery life of your laptop. 
Whatever may be the reason, you would be using slideshow just because of those eye catching wallpapers embedded in your slideshow theme. But what if those wallpapers can be moved or copied in some way to your desired folder.

I will tell you how to do this, its very simple :-
  • navigate to Local disk (C:)\Windows\Web\Wallpaper
  • then copy and paste in your desired folder.
If you downloaded theme from Microsoft Store then :-
  • navigate to Local disk (C:)\User\user_name\Appdata\Local \Windows\Themes
  • Alternatively just open 'Run command dialog box ' by pressing  win+R and type  %LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Themes to reach the desired location.
  • then copy and paste in your desired folder.
Note :- 
  • 'user_name' is the name with which you created your account on your PC.[ in my case, it is Alok ]
  • 'Appdata' folder will be hidden.


  1. well done !!! would u like to join our clan!!!!

    1. Yes! do you play COD? And how did you discover this blog.


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