Windows Spotlight --- use it to keep your mind cool

Window spotlight is a wonderful feature in Windows 10 which delivers amazing Wallpapers to your lock screen.
These wallpapers are paid wallpapers and you have to buy them from their respective website if  you want to use them elsewhere.

Many of you might be using this feature, if not, then here it is, how to use it :-
  • Go to Settings and click on Personalise.
  • Then go to Lock screen Tab and under Background, select Window Spotlight from the dropdown menu.

Now, there should be an internet connection in order to get these eye catching wallpapers to your Windows lock screen.

After enabling 'Windows Spotlight', in the upper right corner of your lock screen, you will see a option whether you liked that wallpaper or not. Based on your response to that option, 'Windows Spotlight' will deliver you wallpaper likely. 

Now let me know in the comment section about your thoughts for Windows Spotlight.


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